The Parable of the Sower

Have a handful of seeds. Throw some on cement, some by weeds, some on top of grass and then bury one. Ask how much fruit each will bear. Have three teenagers each read one of the following passages: Matthew 13:3-9,18-23; Luke 8:4-15 and Mark 4:3-20. Tell everyone to cause distractions (shout, have discussions, laugh, etc).

Read one passage and discuss:
1. Name the 4 places the seed fell?
2. What happened to the seeds in each case?
3. Jesus = ? (Sower) Seed = ? (gospel message) Soil = ? (us)

I have a question that I need to ask you tonight: Has seed been sown in your heart before? Think of a specific time. Maybe you responded in one of the following four ways.

- vs. 19. Hard heart not willing to listen to gospel. Maybe you find it difficult to believe in God. Or maybe you just think life can be enjoyed on your own, and you don't need God. The bible tells us that the wages of sin .......... John 3:16 .......

- vs. 20 & 21. Superficial. Only lasts a while. First time you are mocked or challenged (at school) you give it up and the fire is lost. Christianity isn't something that only wants a small portion of your life, or only for a week. Christianity is committing your life to God and to follow Him. It is turning away from the wrong things you do and means changing your life a little. Anyone who thinks less than this when responding to the gospel probably isn't going to last long

- vs. 22. We've seen this happen a lot haven't we? People give their lives to God and really mean it. And for a while they really seem to be following Christ. Suddenly they begin to be strangled by the desires of this world: money, sex, climbing the corporate ladder, the Internet. But I think most of us in this room can say that there has been one or more things in our lives that have either stopped us from following Jesus, or has turned us away from Him. e.g. a guy in bible saw a lovely woman, killed her husband, and God took first born son away from him.

God doesn't want plants that begin to grow and then just die. He wants the kind of plants we read about in vs. 23.

- These are people that accept Jesus into their hearts and are committed to following Him. And as the sower would keep nourishing that plant so God wants us to keep growing. In fact more than that, He wants us to bear fruit as well. Some 100 times - evangelists. Some maybe 5 or 10 times - at school, in the home etc.

God hates sin, but loves sinners - he died for them. How have you responded?

What kind of soil are you? 1,2,3,4.

- vs. 9. Ears to hear: essential need for a teachable, hearing heart if the truth is to be received and become fruitful. Message is the same. The fruitfulness of God's word in your life is determined by your receptivity.

How do we grow deeper spiritual roots? Make a habit of obeying God; get together with other Christians; keep praying; study the bible. If you don't eat you won't grow. Flowers must be watered!


Written by Eugene Oosthuizen

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