Mark's Library

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Hello... G'Day... Howzit... Ola... Sawubona... Bonjour... Jambo... Hola!

You have found your way to a website loaded with resources for life and work. My name is Mark Tittley and I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. My mission in life is to be a Christ-follower who coaches family, friends and leaders to be productive in all life areas. The resources on this site started out specifically focused on youth ministry (the site was called The Youth Ministry Resourcer) but it has evolved and has application to a much wider life and ministry focus. Feel free to use the resources on this site in any non-profit environment without asking for permission. This is not a normal website - there is not much content to read online. It is a library of resource material that you can download, adapt and use in your context. The files are mostly Word documents, PowerPoint presentations or PDFs. You need to Right-Click on links to download files on this site!!

Here is a description of all the pages on this site:
The Productivity page contains information on getting things done with as little stress as possible.
The Strategy page contains information about developing an effective ministry.
The Leadership page contains information about developing leaders for ministry.
The Seminars page contains notes and presentations for seminars that I have created and delivered.
The Programs page contain resource for teaching and programming in ministry.
The Articles page contains links to articles that have shaped the way I approach life and work.
The Summaries page contains summaries of books that I have read in recent years.
The Worship page contains material for understanding and leading worship in ministry.
The Promo page contain sample resource for promoting the ministry and advertising events.
The Sermons page contains messages I have delivered using multimedia.
The School page contains strategy and resource for working in local schools.
The Links page links to pages that provide free and significant resource for ministry.
The Search page is a search engine to allow you to search this site to find a specific resource.
The About page lets you know who I am, where I work and my interests.
The Contact page gives you a way to connect with me.

Check out my book on Productivity: The Productive Life: